KeyOne's works and develops
with customers.
KeyOne's has ISO 22716 and is state-of-the-art production automation
Equipped with the system, the quality guarantee evaluator 'SQP' and the working environment evaluator
Through 'WCA', the stable and stable working environment for quality
We always maintain it and provide reliable products to our partners.
Based on the idea that the center of leading a company is people
Creating economic value, protecting the environment, and social development
Positive for the world through sustainable management that they pursue
We will try to provide value.
Prepare for a beautiful sustainable future.
Ceo Eungu Lee
AM 9:00 - PM 05:00
Launch : am 12:00 - pm 01:00
(Closed on weekends and holidays)
Companyname : Corporation KeyOne's
Address : OO도 OO시 OO구 OO동 123-45
CEO : Eungu Lee
Tel. : 02-123-4567
FAX : 02-123-4568
Business registration number : 123-45-67890
부가통신사업신고번호 : 12345호
Bank 000000-00-000000 Account holder : Corporation KeyOne's